Monday, June 18, 2007

Love, Dad

hi lukers
what are you doing now?
crawling, crawling fast, crawling faster. you follow us from room to room crawling like a pro. so much and so fast we had to put knee pads, or ,rolled up baby socks, around your knees to keep them from getting too sore. you gotta see what we are doing at all times. wheres mommy crawl crawl crawl, oh right here, ok wheres daddy them, crawl crawl crawl, oh ok hes right here, ok, i love it when you check in, , just checking in. you are very busy, you love playing with the fax machine, and your new thing this week is putting things in things and taking them out. like the small trash can under the desk is just your size. you stand there, all papers come out one by one and then the y all go back in, then all out again, i just wish the "all done" would come with the trash in the wastebasket not out all over the floor, i haven't seen that yet.
tomorrow we are getting the rug for your room, very big day for mommy, she's been waiting for this a long time and tomorrow it comes for us to play play play on, should be nice.
love dad.