Sunday, May 27, 2007

Big Day!

Yesterday was a big day for you, Lukey! You got your 5th tooth (upper left)-- does that explain the 3 nights of fever, 4 days of crankiness & the gooey diapers and, as of yesterday, a rash from the bottom of your neck to the top of your diapers-- front and back?? If so- that tooth should be celebrated because you really had to suffer for it to come out!

Also big news-- you crawled for the first time-- up on all fours! Mommy was taking the blankets off of the bed and once it was cleared off-- you were like "FINALLY!!" & you took off on all fours and crawled across the bed! Now you are crawling and still doing a lot of standing and walking from one thing to the next-- such a big boy!

We went to the beach yesterday & it was beautiful, but you didn't have too much fun because you didn't get enough of a nap in the morning. Our days are very dependent on those naps and it's so important for you to sleep or you just don't feel right.

That's it, darlin'-- I just wanted to let you know that I'm so proud of you!



1 comment:

Nona Penny said...

Hi Lukey!! Uncle Tyler is helping
me to set this up and hope I don't
forget how. What a little guy! You are already crawling and soon to be walking! Just hope you learn
to sleep better and give your Mommy
and Daddy a little break. Hope you
will come see me soon so I can squeeze you!! Love to you and Mom
and Dad!
P.S. Uncle Tyler thinks you are
such a cool little guy!